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Become a Facilitator

Birth Into Being Certification Protocol:

STEP I - Apprentice 

Complete the 10 day Apprenticeship training, to be able to offer levels 1 & 2 of the Birth Into Being workshop. ** Please note; this is not available in 2025 Training. We are transitioning away from offering this as a 2 day Training. A re-structuring of the Facilitator Pathway is underway.


STEP II - Facilitator-in-Training

Complete post-apprenticeship requirements OR complete the 6-day Facilitator Training (FT), to be able to offer levels 1 - 3

Step III - Facilitator

Complete both, the post-apprenticeship requirements AND the FT, no matter which one was done first. It enables to offer levels 1-4.

STEP IV - Advanced Facilitator

Complete the post-FT requirements, to be able to offer level 1-4, teach  level 5 (Apprenticeship level) and certify new apprentices.

Please read it in more details, below:


Step I - Apprentice

The Birth Into Being Method Apprentice certificate* allows you to teach Birth Into Being Method workshops (Levels 1-2 only); 1-on-1 sessions, integrate the Method into your own private practice of another modality** and assist at other BIB events.

Apprenticeship Requirement: 

  • Successfully complete the 10-day Birth Into Being course.  The 5 Levels can either be taken all at once, or in 2 day increments over a period of one year.

Step II - Facilitator-in-Training

The Facilitator-in-Training certificate* allows you to assist at other BIB events, teach Birth Into Being Method workshops (Levels 1-3); 1-on-1 sessions with your clients, and integrate the Method into a private practice.**

There are two options: either first take 6 days of the Facilitator Training (FT) course; or, first complete the Post-Apprenticeship Training requirements.

Post-Apprenticeship Training Requirements: 

  • Assist at another Birth Into Being workshop for a minimum of 10 days total (can be done in 2-day increments, in different locations, with different facilitators, it's at the discretion of the facilitator if a daily assistant fee is charged for assisting, or not).

  • Complete at least 30 ‘Core Cries’ and submit 10 positive feedback forms to BIB Central.

  • Practice teaching Levels 1-2 and submit 10 positive feedback forms to BIB Central.

  • Submit 2 recordings of yourself introducing two of the processes (of your choice) to your group. Preferably, video recordings, but if you are technically challenged, audio is OK, too. We will be looking, mainly, at 2 aspects of your presentation: a) the fullness of your explanation of what and why needs to happen, if the process set up was complete; and b) your quality of presence during facilitation.

  • Submit the electronic self-evaluation form.

  • Purchase the Apprentice Training Video.

  • Actively participate in the Birth Into Being community (when inactive for more than one year, a 4-day minimum assisting is required to stay current).

Suggestions for Completing these Requirements:

  • Practice introducing and guiding the processes: Limbic Imprint Re-Coding Meditation, Tri-Processes, Core Cry, The Family. As you feel comfortable, start asking people to submit feedback electronically on the website for your evaluation. Of course, getting feedback from each session for yourself is also important!

  • Host film screenings and informational events, i.e. offer presentations, write articles, reach out to interest groups

  • Form practice groups with other Birth Into Being facilitators in your area.

  • Offer Level 1-2 workshops on donation basis to public groups, as well as practicing with your friends and family.

  • Repeat Levels as a participant for your own development, as/if needed.

Step III - Facilitator

The Birth Into Being Method Facilitator certificate* allows you to teach Birth Into Being Method workshops (Levels 1-4); 1-on-1 sessions, and integrate the Method into a private practice.** It also allows you to co-facilitate at other BIB events. 

Depending on which option was completed in Step II, now do the other one: either take 6 days of the FT, or complete the Post-AT requirements.

Step IV - Advanced Facilitator

The Birth Into Being Method Advanced Facilitator certificate* allows you to teach Birth Into Being Method workshops, Levels 1-5, including 1-on-1 sessions, integrate the Method into a private practice** and certify new Apprentices.

Advanced Facilitator Requirements:

  • Minimum of 40 days total of ‘credits’ accumulated through your choice of: assisting, running workshops, film screenings, speaking at conferences, private professional practice, BIB outreach projects, or of your own proposal.

  • 40 positive feedback forms from assistants and participants of your workshops (written or video/audio recorded).

  • A total of at least 50 ‘Core Cries’ (20 more than before) and submit 10 additional feedback forms from your ‘CC’ sessions.

  • Submit 2 additional videos (or audios) of yourself introducing or engaging in different processes than previously submitted.

  • Submit the electronic self-evaluation form.

  • Actively participate in the Birth Into Being community (when inactive for more than one year, a 4-day minimum assisting is required to stay current).

Suggestions to Remain Engaged with the Birth Into Being Method & Community: 

  • Give workshops to the level at which you have been certified.

  • Experience assisting and being assisted in workshops with other BIB facilitators.

  • Be responsible for upgrading yourself and staying current with the news in the Field.

  • Get involved with BIB projects and outreach. Don't wait to be invited, offer! 

  • Maintain active contact with the Regional CAOs (Chief Advocating Officers).



*  Certification for each Step (I-IV) is subject to the discretion of the Advanced Facilitator.


**  Give credit to the Birth Into Being Method when integrating into a private practice by informing clients (when used) and including the Birth Into Being Method credentials in all promotional, biographical materials. This includes tagging Birth Into Being on FB, Insta and other socials when mentioning the Method.

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