Workshop/Training Curriculum
Level 1:
Day 1 - 2
Focus on the time from your preconception through post-partum period
Dive deeply into the ‘underworld’ to break through that which is holding you back in life; to recover that which is most precious.
Alter the ‘basic settings’ in your nervous system & align with the vortex of the Birthing Field** through a dynamic blend of modalities.
Re-Code your Limbic Imprint** of inhibiting emotional patterns by creating a new memory of being conceived, gestated, born, and breastfed in blissful and safe circumstances.
Create new reference points of emotional comfort aligned with your conscious intentions.
Invoke your inner‚ Elder‘ – your deepest Wisdom as your constant companion.
Besides the experiential processes in Level 1, following Topics will be covered:
Free Will and the fractal nature of the Universe
Limbic Imprinting. Harvesting the outcome of the way we were born.
Birth matters: What is birth trauma?
Creating an alternative route – Tri-brain Concept
Transforming Fear (of birthing, of living, of dying…)
Consciousness of Procreation – The Miracle of You
Unleashing creativity
Love, as an acquired skill
Level 2:
Day 3 - 4
Focus on your early childhood through about age 10
Healing the traumatic impact from interactions with your biological parents.
Recovering the loss of power in childhood; breaking the Silence; establishing the new reference points for healthy loving relationships.
Disengage counter-intentions and victim mentality via bringing the three parts of the brain, responsible for our mental, emotional and physiological functions into a harmonious resonance.
Resolve deep unconscious conflicts.
Unravel your family dynamic and acquire a new perception of reality based on Safety and Love.
Increase your own capacity for Love and Upgrade your nervous system.
Levels 3 & 4:
Days 5 - 6 & 7 - 8
Revise your emotional life further into adolescence
Addressing negative dynamics with people other than your biological parents.
Trace the sources of your dysfunctions and transform them into a valuable resource.
Recalibrating experiences that violated your integrity, crushed your primal sense of Self.
Make yourself at home within your new ‘basic settings’.
Releasing resistance to living in abundance; empowering your purpose on Earth.
Creating an alternative memory of a great childhood (best friends, exciting adventures, amazing teachers, early introduction to conscious way of living, birthday parties of your dream, the most profound sexual awakening, rites of passage, etc, – all you needed to grow up happy and safe).
Activate a powerful flow of oxytocin.
Additional Topics covered in Levels 2-4:
Intentions vs counter-intentions
Healthy Boundaries
investigating victim mentality
Transforming addiction to suffering
Emotional Incest. Empowerment of Anger
AMO (addictive modes of operation)
Sibling Rivalry
Our 120 Senses
Acceptance. Forgiveness. Surrender.
Harvesting negative experiences vs victim mentality
Prosperity Consciousness
Setting priorities for the next phase of life
Circumcision, C-Section
Post-partum Sexuality
Betrayal of the Mother
Level 5 (Apprentice Training):
Days 9 - 10
Get Certified as an Apprentice
Learn to sustain the new state of being.
Deepen your own healing and practice facilitating the processes of the Birth Into Being Method.
Get certified to lead Birth Into Being Workshops, Levels 1-2, and/or integrate the techniques into your existing practice (See ‘Become a Practitioner’ guide).
Become a part of the Birth Into Being group of practitioners in 22 countries, most amazing people, who are lovingly and actively supporting each other.
Debrief on all of the above from the facilitation perspective.
Practice Level 1-3 processes with each other.
Facilitator Training:
Days 11 - 16
Get certified as a Facilitator-In-Training, Facilitator, and, later on, as an Advanced Facilitator
Experience the full curriculum of 20 processes and 18 exercises with Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova.
Upgrade your skills and have more time for peer practice.
Be able to teach Levels 1-3 as a facilitator-in-training, Levels 1-4 as a facilitator, and as an advanced facilitator be able to teach Levels 1-5 and certify new apprentices (additional requirements and some restrictions do apply. For more info, please, see the Certification Flowchart shown below or go to Become a facilitator).