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Suggested reading and Bibliography

Tomas Verny "The secret Life of the Unborn Child"
Michael Gabriel "Voices from the womb"
David Chamberlain "Babies Remember Birth"
Jean Leidloff "The Continuum Concept"
Stephanie Mines "We are all in Shock"
Jeanne Parvati Baker "Conscious Conception"
Stephen Wolinsky "The Dark Side of the Inner Childî and ìQuantum Psychology"
Daniel Goleman "Emotional Intelligence"
Stanislav Grof "Beyond the Brain" and "The Stormy Search for the Self"
Suzanne Arms "Immaculate Deception"
Michael Odent "Birth Reborn"
William Emerson "Birth Trauma: Psychological Effects of Obstetrical Intervention"(1998)
Ina May Gaskin "Spiritual Midwifery"
Joseph Clinton Pierce "The Magical Child"
Laura Huxley "Between Heaven and Earth"
Rima Star "The Healing Power of Birth"
Julia Ross "The Mood Cure"
Julia Cameron "The Artistís Way"
Barbara Harper "Gentle Birth Choices"
Tara B. Goleman "Emotional Alchemy"
T.Lewis, F. Amini, R. Lannon "A General Theory of Love"
Richard Dawkinds "The Selfish Gene"
Bruce Lipton "Biology of Belief"
Harville Hendrix "Getting The Love You Want"
Sunni Karl "Sacred Birthing"
Elio Frattaroli "Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain"
Joyce and Barry Vissell "The Sacred Heart" and "Models of Love"
H. Stone and S. Winkelman "Embracing Each Other"
Barbara Coloroso "Kids are Worth it!" 
Art Martin "Your Body is Talking; are you Listening?"
Jerald Jampolsky "Teach Only Love"
John Bradshaw "Homecoming"
Marianne Williamson "A Return to Love"
G. & K. Hendricks "Centering and the Art of Intimacy"
Carolyn Myss "Anatomy of the Spirit","Why People Don't Heal and How They Can"
Colin Tipping "Radical Forgiveness" and "Radical Incarnation"
Kenneth Ring "Lessons of Light"
Arnold Mindell "Sitting in the Fire"
Deepak Chopra "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind"
Brian Greene "The Elegant Universe"

Internet Resources

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