The Nervous System of Earth
Why On Earth Do We Have People?
By Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova
I share this story in my workshops sometimes, how I was once very disenchanted with the way humans behave, thinking that we live like parasites on the face of this beautiful planet... but then I always go on to explain that after I started meditating and understanding more, I came to a realization that Humankind is 'the nervous system' of the Earth, - with each human being like a nerve ending, or like an antennae, but belonging to the same network. As they say, as above, so below... For this exact reason, our ability to feel, to reflect upon our experiences, to process them - is our primary 'job description' as a species', as a part of this planet's eco-system. I even went on to count our 'senses', - as, if feelings are our utmost responsibility, it was suddenly strange to me that we would have only 5 senses! Shouldn't we have more, if that were our job description?